6th Poland Pharma Commerce Forum
The two-day meeting was led by Mariusz Borkowski – Business Unit Manager of the Adamed Group. A series of lectures concerned the condition and forecasts of development of the pharmaceutical market.
Lectures were preceded by a panel discussion under the theme of “Pharma 2015 vs Pharma 2025 or what awaits us in the future?”. The debate was attended by Michael Wieczorek – Adamed Group Commercial Director. The discussion touched upon topics related to, among others, trends and changes that take place in the pharmaceutical industry and medicine as well as the eHealth revolution. The conversation focused mainly on the future of these disciplines in the area of new media. Discussion participants raised the question of the future of communication with the patient in the context of medications, including Rx products. Michał Wieczorek drew attention to the need for a more comprehensive approach to the issue of communication with the patient, which nowadays is taking ambiguous and quite problematic form.
- In the era of universal access to the internet, it is important to provide the patient with accurate and clear information that allows them to understand various therapeutic problems. Unfortunately, more and more often a patient comes to the doctor with solutions that they have read about on the internet. To clarify this information chaos is for us – both as the pharmaceutical and medical industries – a huge challenge to be faced with – he said.
The two-day lecture sessions were completed with mini-workshops and thematic groups, whose members benefited from each other to exchange views on specific issues.