
Adamed at the European Forum for New Ideas (EFNI)

1 October 2018

Maciej Adamkiewicz, President of the Board for Adamed Pharma S.A., took part in the discussion panel ‘How does modern technology affect medicine?’. The discussions touched on topics such as mobile applications, wearable devices, robots performing various tasks, the future of telemedicine and the use of artificial intelligence in medicine.

The panel chairman, Michał Boni, member of the European Parliament, highlighted the role of technological progress in defining the future of medicine. He made the following concluding statement: ‘We need to take a more holistic approach to our country’s digital architecture so that we can use it in a way which benefits all of our patients. The 5G Strategy is intended to provide a communication platform between all healthcare facilities across the country. It needs to be reviewed from time to time to take account of new patient opportunities and system improvements. Perhaps we need to compile a list of things to remove from the current strategy to clear the way for new developments. It takes courage to tackle the issue of healthcare systems, verify their financial sources and the way our public health is financed, and to explore ways in which we can contribute through various insurance systems.’

In addition to Maciej Adamkiewicz, the attendees included  Michał Czarnuch, President of the Telemedyczna Grupa Robocza Foundation, partner at Domański Zakrzewski Palinka law firm; Piotr Garstecki, Scope Fluidics, Bacteromic; Edyta Kocyk, CEO of Sidly, and Dawid Nidzworski, SensDx and the Institute of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine.

EFNI, which features dozens of events, panels, open meetings and counterpoints, provides a communication platform for business representatives, decision-makers, opinion leaders and key influencers from across the science and culture sector to discuss the key challenges facing global business and society in a constantly changing world, as well as global trends and the future of Poland and Europe.