Polish innovative healthcare solution in the European Parliament
This year, the quest list included a representative of Adamed Group – a Polish pharma and biotech company and strategic partner of Medivio, the first certified telemedicine clinic where patients can contact physicians on a remote basis.
This year, the EP public hearing with presentations on innovative healthcare solutions in the EU was held on 13 October in Brussels. At the invitation of the Committees, a presentation was made on a unique solution on the Polish market: the Medivio telemedicine platform, which improves the therapeutic process and helps physicians optimize their working time. Medivio was showcased in the presentation entitled “mHealth Solutions Method for the Coordinated Health Care” delivered by Mariusz Borkowski on behalf of Adamed Group. The invitation to the European Parliament was a considerable distinction for Medivio co-founders: Silvermedia and Adamed Group, both leaders of healthcare innovations in Poland.
The European Commission has been actively working on e-Health for years, whether by publishing the Green Paper to open public consultations, paving the way for new healthcare technologies or funding research under 2020 Horizon – the largest program set up to finance research and innovation in the European Union. The public hearing is an opportunity to assess the prophylactic potential of mobile devices that help patients monitor their health and better manage their treatment. Moreover, the debate provides a chance to look into the challenges that e-Health solutions are facing, such as the protection of sensitive data, system interoperability or capacity for effective cooperation with other healthcare products or services. The public hearing is also a good opportunity for the European Parliament to become part of a multi-party dialogue aiming at overcoming the barriers to the e-Health.
Medivio – the first certified telemedicine clinic – combines medical expertise and advanced technologies, allowing doctors to communicate with their patients remotely, from any place in the world. Medivio holds the 2A class medical device certificate which meets stringent quality standards defined in the Medical Devices Act dated 20 May 2010 (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 876, consolidated text), and is the first solution which enables physicians to make their diagnoses remotely, just as they usually do during their traditional office-based consultations.
Medivio is a cutting edge solution which improves patients’ access to doctors, reduces waiting time, helps to run and administer medical records and enables patients to contact their physician from a convenient location and at a convenient time. The platform marks a major breakthrough in medical services. It is a tool that helps doctors run their offices and gives patients the opportunity to actively manage their health.
Medivio features a number of functionalities and benefits; these are, to name just a few, quick access to patient records, sharing patient records with other doctors involved in the therapeutic process or ongoing access to test results. This is particularly important in the light of the Act dated 28 April 2011 on the healthcare information system (Journal of Laws of 2011, no. 113, item 657, consolidated text). According to the Act, from 1 January 2018, medical records should be kept only in electronic form. Moreover, doctors who use the certified telemedicine platform have access to a dedicated, tailor-made patient history template or a quick e-prescription solution based on the current database of drugs and drug interactions.
Medivio is not only about facilitating the work of healthcare professionals. With this solution, patients can have a remote consultation with their doctors and keep a record of their self-measurement tests. The platform reminds patients about their regular medication, and can be integrated with external measurement devices, e.g. blood pressure monitors or the ECGs. Additionally, Medivio provides patients with access to professional educational materials developed by medical specialists. As the platform can also be accessed from smartphones or tablets, patients can manage their health without much effort, from any place and at any time.
The highest quality of Medivio, confirmed by both ISO 13485 certification and clinical trials, is guaranteed by its two co-founders: Silvermedia – the leader of IT telemedicine solutions in Poland, and its strategic partner Adamed Group – a Polish pharmaceutical and biotechnological company.