Representatives of Adamed Group attend a meeting of the Minister with entrepreneurs
The Business Constitution is a set of acts, which aims to simplify legislation on business management. During the meeting, the Minister emphasised that the Business Constitution heralded new economic times, specifically business patriotism in the broad sense.
‘I would like this day to be the day of cutting the ribbon for the bridge between public administration and the world of entrepreneurs’, said Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, as he announced a cycle of sector meetings including some on healthcare. The most important topics for the pharmaceutical industry at present are the shape and implementation of the Reimbursement Development Mode and the Pharmaceutical Policy Document.
Adamed Group, as a partner of the Polish economy, has an important impact on its development, among other things through production, investment in innovation, R&D as well as the creation of new jobs for highly-qualified employees.
photo. W. Kompała / KPRM