European Economic Congress 2012
The European Economic Congress is one of the biggest and most important economic events in Central Europe. During the three days of the Congress, a number of debates, meetings and associated events were held, which focused on the most important issues for the future and economic and social development of Europe. Over 900 speakers participated in more than 100 discussion sessions. Guests of the event included most prominent personalities from the world of politics, business, academia and economy, both from Poland and other European countries. This year, the Chairman of the Patronage Council was Jerzy Buzek – President of the European Parliament in 2009-2012.
The inaguration of the Congress took place in the Katowice Center of Culture. The opening debate focusing on the future of a united Europe saw participation of the President of the Republic of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski and representatives of the European Commission, European Partliament and members of the Polish government.
Representatives of the Adamed Group, participating in sessions focused on health care and medical industry, had the opportunity to also take part in panels about the economy and social issues. Furthermore, Maciej Adamkiewicz along with representatives of the government, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, National Research and Development Center, Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology, Institute of Electron Technology as well as Polish and foreign companies (VTT Technical Research Centre – Finlandia, Inframet) and institutions (Activity for Innovation and Economic Growth – AIEG) actively participated in the debate “Joint European Policy for Development of Key Technologies for the Future”. Jerzy Buzek, former President of the European Parliament, personally welcomed participants of this debate.
On the last day of the congress, representatives of the Adamed Group took part in sessions focusing on Polish and European medical-pharmaceutical sectors. During the “Pharmaceutical industry and drug policy in Europe” debate, issues related to investment trends on the pharmaceutical market, development of clinical trials and innovation were discussed. A lot of attention was given to a review of drug reimbursement systems and drug policy. The debate in context of the newest reimbursement act attracted a lot of attention. Also participating were representatives of the Agency for Health Technology Assessment, Employers Union of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA and pharmaceutical companies (GlaxoSmithKline and Pharma-Expert).
The Adamed Group also activelly took part in the „Innovative European economy” panel. Krzyszof Kurowski, Director of the R&D Department and Chairman of Polfa Pabianice, spoke during the discussion. Together with top executives of companies investing in modern solutions (Avio Polska, Bumar, Glaxo Smith Kline, PKN Orlen, Siemens Industry Software, Zakłady Chemiczne Police) and the President of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and Rector of the University of Economics in Katowice, Mr. Kurowski had the opportunity to share his experience and voice his opinions about the need to invest in innovation as well as the factors which foster research of new solutions. "I am very positive about Adamed Group’s involvement in the Congress this year. I am satisfied that our voice in the discussion on innovation and drug policy was heard. Issues raised by us were met with interest from many people and discussions relating to them will surely be continued after the Congress "–summed up Maciej Adamkiewicz.