Good practices for cooperation
Despite the fact that most businesses have a negative approach to the possibility of establishing cooperation with academic research centers and do not see the potential benefits of such cooperation, particular example of combining such “powers” show that it is not only possible but very beneficial for both sides. Furthermore, in the long-term perspective it also beneficial to the development of the Polish economy. That is so in case of Adamed, which cooperates with a number of academic research centers on developing innovative antineoplastic therapies.
Adamed is engaged in coordinating one of the biggest biotechnological undertakings in Poland which aims to develop an innovative antineoplastic therapy. The “ONCO-3CLA – biotechnological, antineoplastic targeted drug” project in 2009 gained the approval of the Minister of Science and Higher Education and was given key project status of the Innovative Economy Operational Program and financing in the amount of 31 million zloty. As Dr. Jerzy Pieczykolan from Adamed points out – “The decision to provide this project financing was based on a positive review from experts who saw great potential – both in the company itself as well as in its cooperators and scientists from leading academic centers in Poland.”
At project launch, the company already possessed a fully equipped research laboratory, qualified staff and the required equipment, but with the development of various elements and research issues the support of specialists from various areas of science was required. Therefore, the company initiated cooperation with research centers – at present, about 100 people from research institutes, universities and other companies are working on various project elements throughout Poland. These include such institutions as: Jagiellonian University, Wrocław University of Technology, Gdańsk University of Technology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Medical Universities in Białystok and Gdańsk, Lublin and Warsaw, Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy Polish Academy of Science in Wrocław, Marie Skłodowska-Curie University, Biotechnology Institute at the Catholic University of Lublin, University of Gdańsk or University of Warsaw. “We are fully a Polish company, that is why we wanted to use the know-how of our domestic universities” – explains the Manager of the Project – “Each member of our team comes from some academic center, knows particular areas of research and knows scientists who are experts in their fields – also on an international level. This allowed us to build a network. We really wanted to form a core-team at the company and also cooperate in various parts of the research with academic centers throughout Poland and also abroad (…) We must change the common opinion that in pharmaceutical companies are employed different type of scientists than in academic centers. Here are working people who learned and gained their knowledge on Polish universities. Educational centers, universities, educate students also for this purpose, so that they can work on research aims of companies.”
Foreign experts working with Adamed on the “ONCO-3CLA” project include scientists from the National Cancer Institute in USA. It is the oldest center researching cancer in the world.
According to Dr. Jerzy Pieczykolan, research work at the company does not differ greatly from work at a research institution – especially in terms of research methodology and ways of getting results. But such work can be more beneficial in terms of remuneration. Furthermore, Adamed laboratories welcomes students for internships and each year the company participates in the “Grasz o staż” competition.
Adamed was founded in 1986. It was created by Dr. Marian Adamkiewicz, M.D., who intended to commercialize his innovative ideas. Nearly right from the start, the company had its role in developing certain sectors of the Polish economy, engaging in cooperation with newly created biotechnological companies. The Adamed Group is conducting research on innovative and cutting-edge drugs – just like ones being developed in the ONCO-3CLA project, which commercial success would bring about great advancements in today’s medicine.
The company’s contribution in the economic development of the country has been recognized by the Jury of the President’s Economic Award – in May of this year, Adamed received a nomination to this award in the „Innovation” category” - It is a great honor for our company. As a Polish pharmaceutical company, for over 25 years we have been focusing our activities on searching for new, innovative therapies that are the solutions to the medical needs of patients – said Maciej Adamkiewicz, Adamed Group President.
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